Ep.73 – Kicking and Screaming: Kids and Parents

Empowering Choices Parenting Podcast
Empowering Choices Parenting Podcast
Ep.73 - Kicking and Screaming: Kids and Parents

In episode 73 of the “Empowering Choices” podcast, titled “Kicking and Screaming,” hosts Joshua, Erik, and Lucas delve into the complexities of managing tantrums in children, particularly focusing on younger ages up to nine. Erik and Lucas, both licensed professional counselors, discuss various strategies and philosophies on how to effectively respond to these challenging behaviors. The episode kicks off with an anecdote from Joshua about witnessing a mother mimic her child’s tantrum at a concert, laying next to her on the ground in a public display of frustration, which sets the stage for a deeper discussion on more constructive approaches. The hosts emphasize the importance of setting clear boundaries and consistent consequences for children. Erik shares insights on the difference between emotional meltdowns and manipulative tantrums, explaining, “The stronger the will, the more you’re going to look to gain control.” He criticizes strategies that involve negotiating with very young children, likening it to negotiating with terrorists, a policy the United States famously avoids. Erik stresses that giving in to tantrums only reinforces bad behavior, leading to more severe issues as the child grows. Throughout the podcast, practical tips are offered, such as distraction, ignoring the tantrum when safe to do so, and physical removal from the situation if necessary. Lucas recounts his own parenting experiences, demonstrating the effectiveness of being consistent and calm when dealing with his child’s bedtime resistance. Erik also discusses the psychological aspect of tantrums, suggesting that understanding a child’s perspective and developmental stage is crucial in responding appropriately. The conversation also touches on cultural attitudes towards parenting, with Erik critiquing the tendency of some parents to avoid any distress in their children, which can lead to maladaptive behaviors in adulthood. He argues for the need to allow children to experience and manage disappointment and frustration under parental guidance, which prepares them for real-world challenges. In conclusion, the episode “Kicking and Screaming” offers a blend of anecdotal experiences and expert advice aimed at helping parents and caregivers manage tantrums effectively. The hosts advocate for a balanced approach that involves understanding, patience, and firmness, encouraging listeners to consider long-term developmental goals over immediate peace. Joshua wraps up by reflecting on the potential benefits of the discussed strategies, humorously noting that if only the concert-going mother had this information, her public ordeal might have been avoided.


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